ICI and SGISD Staff Presented at APSE Conference Last Month

Community Inclusion
2 min readJul 13, 2022


On June 14–16, several ICI and SGISD staff attended and presented at the National Association for People Supporting Employment First (APSE) Conference in Denver, CO. The theme of this year’s conference was Moving Mountains Together.

Alberto Migliore, Jennifer Sulewski, and Brit Miles from ICI’s ThinkWork and Micah Fleisig from Jewish Vocational Services (JVS) in Boston presented Tools for Provider Agencies from ICI’s ThinkWork Team, which included a discussion of ThinkWork’s ES-Coach, and the Community Life Engagement Guideposts and Fidelity Scale.

Brit Miles presenting in front a screen with slides
Brit Miles presenting.
Alberto Migliore presenting.

DeBrittany Mitchell, Julisa Cully, and David Hoff presented on three ICI projects about apprenticeship programs. Their presentation, Moving Equity Forward in Apprenticeship Programs, focused on improving apprenticeship opportunities for individuals with disabilities as part of overall equity efforts in the Rural Youth Apprenticeship Development Project, the National Innovation Hub for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Registered Apprenticeships, and the Massachusetts Diversity and Equity in Apprenticeship Initiative.

David Hoff also presented on national public policy issues and transportation planning. David serves as co-chair of the APSE Public Policy Committee and facilitated a group discussion on critical APSE-related public policy issues. He then co-presented Getting to Work: Self-Determination and Partnering for Transportation Solutions with Angel Bond from Mobility for All in Boulder, CO about the work of the Transit Planning 4 All initiative. Angel and David shared inclusive transportation planning practices and strategies to address the transportation challenges that people with disabilities face to fully participate in employment and all other aspects of community life.

David Hoff presenting at a podium with a screen displaying slides.
David Hoff presenting.

Finally, SGISD’s Sheila Fesko co-presented Lifting the Level of Professionalism form the Alleghenies to the Rockies with several others to examine the collaboration between ICI and SGISD’s College of Employment Services, Pennsylvania, and New Mexico. Sheila also staffed a table for the College of Employment Services to share information about the online, self-paced learning platform.

If you missed the APSE conference or want to continue learning, join the APSE Virtual Post-Conference 3-hour workshop sessions from August 1–5, 2022. Learn more about each workshop and how you can register.



Community Inclusion

The Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI) promotes the inclusion of people with disabilities in school, work, health care and community activities.